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Things I Don't Get

Why do you have to conquer the world for your God?
  • Why does he not make us Muslims or Christians from the start?

Sex is great and all that, but seventy-two virgins?
  • Why does your view of heaven have women like livestock?

Suicide bombers, Catholic indulgent payments and Pastors getting rich on offerings
  • One of these three has been stopped, guess which?

God in three persons, like water (liquid, Ice and steam)
  •  If so, isn’t it odd that Jesus keeps talking to himself (God)? There is a medical term for those with split personality.

We must kill the corrupt of the world.
  • Christians guiltier than Muslims here.

Why do religious books say impossible things?
  • Moses and his five books: Why does he keep moving from first person to third person in his writings. How did he write on his death and burial, the dead don’t write?
  • If everyone was asleep in the Garden of gethsemane, who wrote Jesus’s conversation with himself (God)?
  • Abraham test on killing his son: God should have reprimanded him for even going ahead with it, not celebrate the murderous intent.
  • Why will God allow man to create many languages then insist we learn Arabic to understand him?
  • Thinking of something is the same thing as doing it, in which world is that true?
  • Why is God so overly interested in who I sleep with?

Help me understand this:
  • I love the world and its people, but I’m upset at what they are doing. So, I will send myself to die for them as a sacrifice to myself.

Why will I marry a six-year-old?

Why is death the justice for not believing?

Why does God need me to send you money?
  • He owns every cattle on a thousand hills. If he thinks you need one let him make one appear in your living room. Imagine if he did, scientists and doubters will shut-up because how can they explain a private jet mysteriously appearing in your backyard.

Praying for the dead?
  • I do not get that – the person is dead.

The Vatican has accepted evolution, yet many other churches and even Catholics do not, why?


  • Hey, I’m the one going to hell not you so mind your business.

Someone disses your prophet and you go on a killing rage, I don’t get?
  • The disser is going to hell for it why do innocent people have to die along with him?

You know, if he has a telepathic connection to everyone and can control things, here is an idea:
  • He drops a message in our minds as a vision and shows the same message on every media devices in the world. That will solve the Jesus or Mohammad problem. For those with direct line to him, please tell him. (The he/him here is God)

The religious books are said to be written by God or inspired by him.

If so, why are they outdated. At least God who knows the future will know of the coming of the women revolution, the anti-slavery revolution, modern science and with-it evolution and fashion revolution. The books believed the world will end a millennium ago.


Maybe it has ended and we are the ones left behind.

Picture by Nadxiee Lii from


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