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What I Believe

Nothing is set or cast in stone, we are the authors of our tomorrow.

We have the right to choose and to change our minds, we don't have to explain ourselves to you. Either you accept us for who we are or piss off.

I believe life evolved, scientific theories & facts too evolve.

You cannot be a hundred percent certain of anything. Also, if you are a one or a seven on the "Dawkins Belief Scale" then you are a liar.

We are all gifted in different ways, it will be nice if we are told which way we seem to stand taller than most because sometimes we do not know.

I most times do not care what you think on some matters, the same way I believe you care not what I think too.

Picking and choosing what I like is what religion is about.


Sex is for both parties to enjoy so discussing what you both like is paramount, but not as paramount to you trying them to please one another.

Whoever I choose to have sex with is my business not yours.

I believe before anyone gets married they should live together, very important.

When a relationship ends you are just at fault as the other party. Pride hides this from you.

Friends always see what you did wrong in your last relationship, but they do not want to be burdened to tell you.

You will always miss the one that got away, but that is because you are focused on the good times. Your brain is not programmed to recall the pain and sadness you felt when you were facing the trials.

I do not see anything wrong with any gender making the first move. If the receiver is not matured enough to handle that, then they are not for you.

When you meet someone you like or want to be with, do not let outside rules like age, gender, tribe, race, religion or social status be a factor. That miserable “OK PERSON” could be your happily today, biggest regret tomorrow, murderous intent the day after and the arms you call home that you never want to be without.

If outside rules do matter to you, then make sure your partner also accepts those rules.

Core values are more important to me like, parenting, spending & saving culture, ideological views, cleanliness, time-consciousness, sexual view, understanding viewpoints, communication skills, great arguer and ability to be absent when present.

There is no right person for anyone, everyone can be the right person and that is the truth.

What makes a great arguer:
  • Someone who sticks to fact not feelings and is ready to accept fault when they lose on the subject matter.
  • One who does not get angry and insult while talking.
  • One who knows that disagreement on anything does not affect or should affect how we converse on other things.


If you constantly complain about your colleague’s inability to be useful to you, then you are a useless leader.

If you complain that you must do everything yourself for it to be perfect because of the above, then you are a useless teacher.

If you think you work harder than your colleagues or subordinates then you do not, you seem to have enough time on your hands to be measuring how others work.


Saving for the future you may never have is the best thing ever, save - you will need it for the future you never wanted.

Always live below your means, if this makes you feel bad because you don’t – then I feel worse for you.

In everything give your best, except when your best gets criticized then you don't stress.

You will always meet those people who always think they are ahead because they are smarter, do not let that get you down.

Luck is what rules the world, some have it and some don't, it is life, get over it.

Money will change you, it is because we do not have it that we are all so humble.

Ever met those guys that talk too much and know nothing?

When someone must shout to make his point even though the point is out of this world foolish – allow him because the more you do not interrupt, the faster you will be saved from his foolish words.


You cannot always be yourself, don’t fool yourself that you can.

You can, when needed, stand for what you believe, don’t let anyone or yourself fool you that you can’t.

Being quiet about what you believe in the face of danger or in front of a loud mouth is not cowardice, but wisdom.

Assisted death and abortion should be an accepted thing.

When I die my body will be placed in the ground to rot. The soil will benefit from this and so will the world.

I'm not worried about what people will think of me when I'm dead, the reason is plain and simple, I'm dead... dead men don't worry.

My head houses the brain which houses me. When I die and the brain dies, the me is gone. There is no soul or spirit that is going anywhere to be judged for anything, death is the end.

For the above two reasons, there is much to live for and I will live the best way I can.

picture by pixabay from


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