Saturday, June 10, 2017
Why Wait Death, Why?
Tolerance is the verb that qualifies my existence
The daily struggle to show any form of life persists,
With the feeling of being ostracized from my own being
I couldn’t care less what anyone thinks of it
Here is a series of chances, which mine sucks
Not believing I was dealt the worst hand ever
But I can’t think otherwise
Why bother on whom has it worst, when I wish to have it better
Death is a gift I envy, he visits way too many
Leaving me craving and wondering when my turn will be?
Suicide seems like an option to living
Until you start to wonder the best way to go
Which path will be painless and swift
Then you realize, you don't even have the guts to try
It takes hell amount of courage to end a life
It takes more than hell that amount to end yours
Many see it differently, and with reasons that stand
But since I never had the courage to make that move
I stand afar seeing it my way
The man afraid to try
My doors are ajar though
A welcome mat placed and a welcome bowl laced
When he steps in one thing is certain
I will cling to his leg because death is not leaving until he blesses me
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