I'm standing and looking, it is December thirty and one
Almost the time to crossover to a new year of merry and rum
But still I see many marching down in pennies
All dressed up for the go, one last time for them to know
That God cares
He sits alone in heaven and missing their praises
He can't wait to welcome all and forgive their faces
They all seem so glee, believing today is the day
Of Wonder and miracle to wipe all their pain
It is almost eleven-thirty and I see many praying
casting and binding, jumping while praising
I sit and wonder why they are all so glee
Giddy and happy about this miserable three
If he didn't ease your pain the last 364
What makes today so different from his daily rapport?
Close your eyes and pray, but waiting over the hour
Are all your debts, saddened missed chances and old Mrs. Prowler
Why bother, if he is there today should not matter
Why not stay home and enjoy a cold shower?
I for one will be wanking into the year
Listening to Tim Minchin blazing ear to ear
A reboot of Christopher Hitchens and Dawkins will be read
While y'all be gucking and singing with cheers
The only sad thing about my New Year crossover with chores
Is that you are with friends and I wish I was with whores
Before you ask why am not with the whores
Look to your left, they are holding your hand in chorus
Whore here means PROSTITUTE.
picture by Pixabay from
Never Feel Sorry For Trying To Live
There's this psychology that we are bound (unless by stroke of luck) to make the same mistakes in love and living like our parents showed to us.
Such truth scares me and for that reason I ask of you, look to the path before you and compare it to the path behind - to make sure you do not fall into a vicious cycle.
This sad truth falls into the poor parents are more likely to bore poor sons. Or, the love or life we chase is sometimes similar to the one we were shown and are used to growing up.
The time has come for us to take chances, reach out to fortunes we desire and never be sorry for every time you tried to improve our life and failed.
Instead, let failure be a reminder of the path behind and let the fire in the desire to be free from the path behind be to itself a fuel.
When the old talk, listen for learning not for complete emulation because how can someone who finds vision at 70 be your guide?
The only guide they have for you is, "don't wait until you are 70 to have a vision for your life."
We are told the old have wisdom on the path to follow, I dare say, they have wisdom on paths not to follow.
Wise ones, advise you based on experience of how they wasted their living being safe and not being eventful.
Foolish ones say, "look at me, don't you want to be me." I dare answer, "No, I want to discover the best thing I can be."
You can never be too old to start living, but at least never let it be said about you that, “when he was graven and old, he discovered his foolishness and became wise.”
pictures from by Pixabay and Bess Hamiti respectively
Why Read?
We have been fooled to believe age is directly proportional to wisdom
The aged wanting to hold on to their prestige show off virtues they lack
They do so hoping we believe age = wisdom
Wise is the man who teaches others, but learns more from his pupils
Books are always fresh, reading is the way to truly get wise
Being wise is always changing your mind when a better understanding comes to light
Foolishness is being upset when someone calls you unstable because you changed your mind
Find new books to update yourself, don’t claim to be wise on yesterday’s fact which is now today’s fiction
Never make light of statistics, they may be sad truths, but they are true
Some people always break away from the statistical truth – that is a given
Although it happens it doesn’t mean the whole study is false
No book can accurately predict anything to a 100%, any book that claims such is full of junk
Experience not age is the best teacher
If you agree to that you will also agree that you cannot experience everything there is in life
I cannot know all there is to know on being a Doctor, Lawyer and Astro-physicist in one lifetime
So, I read books on these and do research to be sure it is not junk, but a fact leading to a theory
Foolish is anyone who challenges a fact or theory because he claims the teacher didn’t experience it
As long as the foolish one cannot bring to light any other contrary evidence, he remains a fool
If anyone challenges your fact saying, “did you see it yourself, don’t believe everything you read.”
Stop the conversation there, what point is there arguing with one who believes he must experience all to believe it is true
There is a difference between fact/theory and faith
Same way there is a difference between a person's idea and philosophy
There is also a difference between fiction and true story
Never mix them up
Self-validation is no validation
A book that reference itself was written by a fool
References are needed so that you can further read more to fully grasp the writer
We will never hire a person whose references are, “me, myself and I”
The more you study the more cautious you are when addressing others
You will feel wiser when around someone who speaks with ignorance
You will be prompted to correct their ignorance and shed light
But a word of caution, you too are ignorant of many things it just so happens not of the person’s subject matter
picture by Free from
How I Have Chosen To Live
The environment we grow up in determines the extent we will go for pleasure and the risk we will take for having a personal pleasure story.
Life is all about having a story, life is not for living towards death.
Life is all about having a story, life is not for living towards death.
You are not to spend the rest of your time on earth denying yourself all the pleasures there are because you are trying to please a society that is unaware of you.
We think to highly of ourselves sometimes, believing the world cares what we do, who we do it with and where we are.
We think to highly of ourselves sometimes, believing the world cares what we do, who we do it with and where we are.
We think we are so important that if we step out of “LINE” and do something the society we live in frowns on we are doomed.
Sorry to tell you this, you are not that important and society does not care what you do, who you are doing it with and where it is being done.
Never make your personal life a public fun fair, nobody needs to know what you are up to.
You need to make sure your life is filled with enough laughable regrets (not sorrowful regrets, there is a difference) that when you sit back and remember you smile to yourself.
Let it be that when you reminisce on your life, it will be a personal joke between you and you, stop caring what society will think, you are not that important.
Let it be that when you reminisce on your life, it will be a personal joke between you and you, stop caring what society will think, you are not that important.
picture by Steph Munden from
There's nothing left to hope, not another
Each seed is there rotting to a different color
Then from the window I saw and felt so light
Lighter than the bud could get me or the bottle that was empty
The sight of you had me cramped until I walked up and said hi
Each night was me and you remember
I could watch and listen to you be, forever
Then one day life came and made me an offer
One to which I refused, as no dawn or dream is worth being without you
Remember each day we count down to the day we get made
I never felt so good
Recall each May, we celebrate the day we began this thing called me and you
Now it's getting late and only beeps are left to stay
I'm back to the rotting hopes on the shelf
I'm reaching wide to grab a good tomorrow
hoping that hope will spare me the sorrow
The flight I felt when with you, cannot be drowned by the buds and drinks
I'm starting to see there's no turning back
They want to end the beeps and put your heart in a bag
Now it will beat in the chest of another, it is time I say goodbye to my lover
But can you hear my voice and recall the days we have spent, each time
The dancing in the fields and the bad lyrics we filled each night sky
The jumping and the pool, the walks with the moon
How can I get through life with no you
I'm joining you on this climb to forever, it will be you and I
There's no point waiting for the rainbow after the rain has stopped its yawn
We were meant to be forever and we are going to be together
I'm taking this leap knowing I can't swim, it will not be long
With this leap I have made, I stare in amaze as I sink with no struggle
Getting closer to you by each bubble I see a light... deep in the hustle
It is you with your smile, in yours I will drown. What a pretty sight to end this struggle.
Addict to Reality
We all wish to believe in miracles
Shinning lights and daffodils being bright
Cherry peaks and gold buckets, waiting over the rainbow
Flying dragons and empty sonars oozing out each toxin
We spend money on fantasy and drought time on reality
Hoping that this time we will be so lost
Lost beyond reach never needing to return
At end of each hope, prayer and wish is reality clearer and dim
Nothing is as it should be, and nothing will
The brain’s ability to daydream will drown even’s reality will
We are but an illusion of what we want, while we’re the same
Nothing has changed, except the way we have chosen to see the world
Hope is a poison to reality, an addiction to the less willed
With a choke hold on perception and drowning even clarity
If there is such a thing as hope, won’t the world be clearer?
But who am I to deny the people their right to be addicts?
picture from
Zombie of my Pride
I’ll be there on the bright side helplessly
Whispering carelessly
Swearing I will never leave you all alone
Now I’m here on the dark side trembling
Crying to the empty stone
Breath stolen by the fact I’m by my own
I never thought I will be the one dreaming
Creeping towards each day
Murdered by your dismay, I can’t make it on my own
I’m at the stream, by the rainbow coloring
Crossing T’s with empty inks
Stolen dreams and yesteryear
Filling bowls with so much fears
I need you for my own
I had to steal from the morning, its rising glow
For each step so no one knows
That you gone means no more glow, I’m a zombie of my pride
I can’t believe you have decide to go wondering
Jumping hoops and clamoring
Death has come my way
I take this plunge to the stream of mystery
Have decided to go drowning
Swimming far through the sea because I can’t live on my own
picture by life of pix from
His path he laid towards the grave
Dodging and scheme, wisdom to his age
Impatient I waited, 70 years to date
Now death has called and his soul is mine
Get thee behind me he is known by us
Before he cast his last thought, his spirit was with us
Who are you to deny access to blissful springs of hallelujahs
Remember who you are and the He that is with me
My father may be bliss, but I'm here to teach
That no soul can break and select and still wind up with Him
I'm here as judge, prosecutor and jury
And he cast his lost lot and is sentenced to misery
I represent the Father and you better recognize
He sent me here to bring him home, sir be wise
Thrice he has called asking, "where is my son?"
So, Mr. Morningstar back off before I strike you down
No, no way he cannot get away with this
All the lying and hate, this dude raped many kids
You can't justify his place because he said he was sorry
Father better know his place, because here He gave me glory
Father gave you glory, so what!!! This man served in his vineyard
He brought many to Him, more than he turned out of the gate
You have no right over mercy, that belongs to Him
He is the Alpha and Omega who holds all the keys.
It is my place to accuse, and the accusee is guilty
Your pride goes before you, you must not have heard of me
I’m the first to slam the door on our Father and walk
I’m the best of the chorus, my voice remains to be beat
You dare challenge me don't you know by whom I stand
By his power and grace, I will smite you to your feet
I have never failed a mission from our Father three
Stand aside pretty boy, your reign is becoming over
Words, words, words… I don't have time for this
Can you feel the heat, kneel! Did you think you can step to this?
Look up at me from there, how dare you stand against me
I have crippled many angels before the thought of you came to be
Father, Elohim I look up to you
You sent me and only me, my confidence is hurt
I kneel to his heat, make me stand tall again
To banish the father of demons and bring this soul to rest on your bosom
He can hear, but won't help because of reasons I will not say
Don't have time, I have plans for this human soul today
When I walk away soon your strength will return
Don't forget this day son when you faced up with the one.
The one from beneath and the Prince of this here domain
It is you who better recognize, I don’t show up unless I win
I’m too lit to waste my time with little angels thee,
This is Morningstar signing off with the three number 6
picture by pixabay from
What I Believe
Nothing is set or cast in stone, we are the authors of our tomorrow.
We have the right to choose and to change our minds, we don't have to explain ourselves to you. Either you accept us for who we are or piss off.
I believe life evolved, scientific theories & facts too evolve.
You cannot be a hundred percent certain of anything. Also, if you are a one or a seven on the "Dawkins Belief Scale" then you are a liar.
We are all gifted in different ways, it will be nice if we are told which way we seem to stand taller than most because sometimes we do not know.
I most times do not care what you think on some matters, the same way I believe you care not what I think too.
Picking and choosing what I like is what religion is about.
Sex is for both parties to enjoy so discussing what you both like is paramount, but not as paramount to you trying them to please one another.
Whoever I choose to have sex with is my business not yours.
I believe before anyone gets married they should live together, very important.
When a relationship ends you are just at fault as the other party. Pride hides this from you.
Friends always see what you did wrong in your last relationship, but they do not want to be burdened to tell you.
You will always miss the one that got away, but that is because you are focused on the good times. Your brain is not programmed to recall the pain and sadness you felt when you were facing the trials.
I do not see anything wrong with any gender making the first move. If the receiver is not matured enough to handle that, then they are not for you.
When you meet someone you like or want to be with, do not let outside rules like age, gender, tribe, race, religion or social status be a factor. That miserable “OK PERSON” could be your happily today, biggest regret tomorrow, murderous intent the day after and the arms you call home that you never want to be without.
If outside rules do matter to you, then make sure your partner also accepts those rules.
Core values are more important to me like, parenting, spending & saving culture, ideological views, cleanliness, time-consciousness, sexual view, understanding viewpoints, communication skills, great arguer and ability to be absent when present.
There is no right person for anyone, everyone can be the right person and that is the truth.
What makes a great arguer:
We have the right to choose and to change our minds, we don't have to explain ourselves to you. Either you accept us for who we are or piss off.
I believe life evolved, scientific theories & facts too evolve.
You cannot be a hundred percent certain of anything. Also, if you are a one or a seven on the "Dawkins Belief Scale" then you are a liar.
We are all gifted in different ways, it will be nice if we are told which way we seem to stand taller than most because sometimes we do not know.
I most times do not care what you think on some matters, the same way I believe you care not what I think too.
Picking and choosing what I like is what religion is about.
Sex is for both parties to enjoy so discussing what you both like is paramount, but not as paramount to you trying them to please one another.
Whoever I choose to have sex with is my business not yours.
I believe before anyone gets married they should live together, very important.
When a relationship ends you are just at fault as the other party. Pride hides this from you.
Friends always see what you did wrong in your last relationship, but they do not want to be burdened to tell you.
You will always miss the one that got away, but that is because you are focused on the good times. Your brain is not programmed to recall the pain and sadness you felt when you were facing the trials.
I do not see anything wrong with any gender making the first move. If the receiver is not matured enough to handle that, then they are not for you.
When you meet someone you like or want to be with, do not let outside rules like age, gender, tribe, race, religion or social status be a factor. That miserable “OK PERSON” could be your happily today, biggest regret tomorrow, murderous intent the day after and the arms you call home that you never want to be without.
If outside rules do matter to you, then make sure your partner also accepts those rules.
Core values are more important to me like, parenting, spending & saving culture, ideological views, cleanliness, time-consciousness, sexual view, understanding viewpoints, communication skills, great arguer and ability to be absent when present.
There is no right person for anyone, everyone can be the right person and that is the truth.
What makes a great arguer:
- Someone who sticks to fact not feelings and is ready to accept fault when they lose on the subject matter.
- One who does not get angry and insult while talking.
- One who knows that disagreement on anything does not affect or should affect how we converse on other things.
If you constantly complain about your colleague’s inability to be useful to you, then you are a useless leader.
If you complain that you must do everything yourself for it to be perfect because of the above, then you are a useless teacher.
If you think you work harder than your colleagues or subordinates then you do not, you seem to have enough time on your hands to be measuring how others work.
Saving for the future you may never have is the best thing ever, save - you will need it for the future you never wanted.
Always live below your means, if this makes you feel bad because you don’t – then I feel worse for you.
In everything give your best, except when your best gets criticized then you don't stress.
You will always meet those people who always think they are ahead because they are smarter, do not let that get you down.
Luck is what rules the world, some have it and some don't, it is life, get over it.
Money will change you, it is because we do not have it that we are all so humble.
Ever met those guys that talk too much and know nothing?
When someone must shout to make his point even though the point is out of this world foolish – allow him because the more you do not interrupt, the faster you will be saved from his foolish words.
You cannot always be yourself, don’t fool yourself that you can.
You can, when needed, stand for what you believe, don’t let anyone or yourself fool you that you can’t.
Being quiet about what you believe in the face of danger or in front of a loud mouth is not cowardice, but wisdom.
Assisted death and abortion should be an accepted thing.
When I die my body will be placed in the ground to rot. The soil will benefit from this and so will the world.
I'm not worried about what people will think of me when I'm dead, the reason is plain and simple, I'm dead... dead men don't worry.
My head houses the brain which houses me. When I die and the brain dies, the me is gone. There is no soul or spirit that is going anywhere to be judged for anything, death is the end.
For the above two reasons, there is much to live for and I will live the best way I can.
picture by pixabay from
Things I Don't Get
Why do you have to conquer the world for your God?
- Why does he not make us Muslims or Christians from the start?
Sex is great and all that, but seventy-two virgins?
- Why does your view of heaven have women like livestock?
Suicide bombers, Catholic indulgent payments and Pastors getting rich on offerings
- One of these three has been stopped, guess which?
God in three persons, like water (liquid, Ice and steam)
- If so, isn’t it odd that Jesus keeps talking to himself (God)? There is a medical term for those with split personality.
We must kill the corrupt of the world.
- Christians guiltier than Muslims here.
Why do religious books say impossible things?
- Moses and his five books: Why does he keep moving from first person to third person in his writings. How did he write on his death and burial, the dead don’t write?
- If everyone was asleep in the Garden of gethsemane, who wrote Jesus’s conversation with himself (God)?
- Abraham test on killing his son: God should have reprimanded him for even going ahead with it, not celebrate the murderous intent.
- Why will God allow man to create many languages then insist we learn Arabic to understand him?
- Thinking of something is the same thing as doing it, in which world is that true?
- Why is God so overly interested in who I sleep with?
Help me understand this:
- I love the world and its people, but I’m upset at what they are doing. So, I will send myself to die for them as a sacrifice to myself.
Why will I marry a six-year-old?
Why is death the justice for not believing?
Why does God need me to send you money?
- He owns every cattle on a thousand hills. If he thinks you need one let him make one appear in your living room. Imagine if he did, scientists and doubters will shut-up because how can they explain a private jet mysteriously appearing in your backyard.
Praying for the dead?
- I do not get that – the person is dead.
The Vatican has accepted evolution, yet many other churches and even Catholics do not, why?
- Hey, I’m the one going to hell not you so mind your business.
Someone disses your prophet and you go on a killing rage, I don’t get?
- The disser is going to hell for it why do innocent people have to die along with him?
You know, if he has a telepathic connection to everyone and can control things, here is an idea:
- He drops a message in our minds as a vision and shows the same message on every media devices in the world. That will solve the Jesus or Mohammad problem. For those with direct line to him, please tell him. (The he/him here is God)
The religious books are said to be written by God or inspired by him.
If so, why are they outdated. At least God who knows the future will know of the coming of the women revolution, the anti-slavery revolution, modern science and with-it evolution and fashion revolution. The books believed the world will end a millennium ago.
Maybe it has ended and we are the ones left behind.
Picture by Nadxiee Lii from
Things I Don't Mind
I don't mind if you gather every Sunday and allow demons to be beaten out of you until you pass out, next time please record it on your phone I will love a laugh.
I don't mind if you starve yourself of food for hours or days, you should lose weight anyways a third of the world population is obese.
I don't mind if you bow with your heads to the ground five times a day. You are damned if you do and damned if you don't, so bow away.
I don't mind if you get married or not, but marrying a nine-year-old or a child not above eighteen is pedophilia.
I don't mind if you starve yourself of sex, just don’t expect me to.
I don't mind if you find the other sex attractive, I'm attracted to people of my gender… it shouldn’t bother you I’m leaving more for you to have your pick.
I don't mind if you are proud of your sex at birth, I'm proud to be me too and I prouder to be trans.
I don't mind if you give all your money to another because you think he is holy, I rather spend my money on myself thank you.
I don't mind if you deny yourself sleep to talk to yourself all night. I used to do that too, way back when my imaginary friend visits, now I will rather sleep.
I don't mind if you sing to your Lord all day, just as long as you do not mind me joining you.
I don't mind if you sing all night, just do it quietly there is no point keeping me up with you.
I don't mind if you become picky of food. I too can be picky, but not because of sin I just think seafood are yucky.
I don't mind if you become picky of whom you will call priest. I do not blame you based on the amount of molestation going on, I too will be picky.
I don't mind if you condemn another sect of yourself because you feel holier. Hey! your religion your rules.
I don't mind if you believe you are holier than me as a matter of fact I applaud you.
I don't mind that you think I'm going to your hell. Note, for me God and the Devil are the same. They are two friends chilling in the 100 acre woods with Pooh, Piglet, Tigger, Kanga and Roo.
I don't mind that you deny the wisdom of science from many books to believe in one book, just don't say things like "it is just a theory" it is clear you do not know what theory means.
picture from
Unison in Church
Blazing is the sight from afar
Trembling as their voices rose to the air
It's pretty, it's peaceful and consoles each aching breath
The pictures aligned to the wall
The altar set up to be seen in awe
We are in his presence, the God in the church for all
I listen to the words, none is different from what I heard before
But in unison we stand and praise the Lord
What wonder, what pleasure to be here
I see the old nod with each word
I see young all focused on their phones
He speaks from the pulpit, spreading his word like seeds
How I wish the world will be as such
Unison of mind like that of the church
Caring less what you think or where you from
How sad it is to be forced to conform
When all I want is to be part of the one
We can't all believe in the old man in the sky
We can’t all act and have sex like everyone else
We can't all behave and believe alike
This doesn't mean we can't stand in unison against crime
The crime to the world is the death of much
Crime is denying the right for some to be
We all have a right to be heard and to live
Why should we allow anyone tell us otherwise?
picture by Irina Anastasiu from
Why Wait Death, Why?
Tolerance is the verb that qualifies my existence
The daily struggle to show any form of life persists,
With the feeling of being ostracized from my own being
I couldn’t care less what anyone thinks of it
Here is a series of chances, which mine sucks
Not believing I was dealt the worst hand ever
But I can’t think otherwise
Why bother on whom has it worst, when I wish to have it better
Death is a gift I envy, he visits way too many
Leaving me craving and wondering when my turn will be?
Suicide seems like an option to living
Until you start to wonder the best way to go
Which path will be painless and swift
Then you realize, you don't even have the guts to try
It takes hell amount of courage to end a life
It takes more than hell that amount to end yours
Many see it differently, and with reasons that stand
But since I never had the courage to make that move
I stand afar seeing it my way
The man afraid to try
My doors are ajar though
A welcome mat placed and a welcome bowl laced
When he steps in one thing is certain
I will cling to his leg because death is not leaving until he blesses me
Cliff Edge End
I always thought I was strong
Able to control every thought
Always thought I could be sound
In the rage of his hounds
It never crossed my mind of this day
I will stand happy, yet dismay
I have given up sanity
Thrown away tranquility to be here
Here he goes, screaming and knocking again
Yet I continue, stoned towards the edge
There is no turning back now
I have gone too far, far down south
I reach the edge craving the me that was dead
Every moment after this will be one I won't miss
I wish I can turn back the clock and walk away
Instead of being here alone in the dark at 3:08
The screams, the bangs and crying followed
As I drive his car ignoring the gapping hallows
I didn't think this through
How I will never be me after this
Why did I let go of me and cling on to this?
The screams, the bangs I need them to stop
I reached the edge
I get out to push, stopping as it starts
Off it goes, slowly down with a loud sound, it births fire
A cloud of explosion from his car wakes the night
I hear him scream one more time
Knowing it will haunt me forever
Dear Boss, farewell
may you burn some more in hell
picture by Caio from
What's your name?
They call me, Legion
because we are many, now leave us be.
Hail thee, Lucifer Morningstar
For your praise, we sacrifice our souls
I heard one say is how we live
I stare in wonder, "shall we lie that we are with you?"
"Yes," they say
It is better being in a multitude of many than in a Legion of few
We remind them, their Father prefers truth
It is better we standalone
For he has promised to spew us from his mouth
They ignore and come in a rage of words
Before us they birth their arguments
One is named dumb and the other boring
Dumb cries of things he knows less
Confused, he speaks without meaning
Thinking faith = proof and theory = not proven
Boring is as his name
He tells of an end with infinite existence
We will spend that existence, singing and praising
They ask for repentance and return
Like faith is a switch you turn on and off
Do they think it is easy being us? Why don't they try.
They believe moral decadence begins with us
Such folly flows from the path of least resistance
As their faith closed the doors to reality
You tag us children of the Morningstar
Doesn't change the truth of your Father
He is to us, Santa Claus for adults
picture by Medhat Ayad from
They're The Same, Not Me
Freedom is alienating
And reasoning is not becoming
In my world confirming is key
Every light and every sound
Plays the same in every town
And everyone thinks the problem is me
You can tell when they speak
The very next line to proceed
Because everyone is reading the same books
Books of culture and despair
A tomorrow with all gone
With today amounting to nothing
They look ahead to the dawn
Sell their lives to the dream
That one day it will be better when they meet
While I’m left in despair
A lonely man with no care
Whose today is all the tomorrow he will ever need
picture by Unsplash from
Bleed to Live
Every cut that bleeds me, keeps me alive
Sublime is every thought without you
Today is not better because they are coming
Me without you is death beyond reason
Afterlife will be empty without you in it
I will not settle to share you even in death
You are mine, all mine and soon we will be together
I’m sorry you are tied, but I fear you will run
Can you hear their sound, I smell them come?
They want to save you and leave me because I’m scum
Only you could save me with cuts that bleed
Because every drop of red, shows how much I need you
I cannot let you go, will never let you go
Until death do us part you are mine can’t they see?
Please stop the tears, you know what I must do?
I can’t live without you and I know you can’t too.
Don’t be afraid it will not hurt
I will make it quick so we will be as one
Today we share our last bleed together
I smile because every cut that bleeds me, keeps me alive
Picture by Tookapic from
No One Not You
The pressure is tempting
Walking towards another beginning
Recording the scenes as I walk
To catch the best moments of this life in Hell
I stand watching as evil makes his claim
Telling us today is the first of the best
Each day to come will be one to remember
For we are members of this Hell oasis
It is our turn to shine out in glory he says
Making a paradise in these flames of Hell
Carving out victory as we stand and fight
With burning hearts and clenched fists shall we ride
Hurrah hurrah, we shout as he spoke
Geared up by his words, we marched towards doom
To make our claim of this celestial ground
None will stand when the Hounds of Hell roar
We have come to take our place
To have control of the seats right down to the plate
In the shadows, we grew waiting for this day
And none not even you will stand in our way
My Temple of Life
There’s fate
Whose job is to let me know when you’re down and need my presence
Even though words won’t uplift, my presence will always be found
Found silent right next to you
I still get the chills each time you look my way
My presence shrinks and I start to cave
The thoughts that send my heart racing
Are thoughts of us lying together face to face
You’re the reason I’m not dying inside
Before you there was no point to this life
You’ve added the reason to be alive
Even if that reason is to sit silently by your side
When you are reckless, I will be the brake for you
When the world turns on you, I’ll be your break from the storm
If it’s tempting, I will make the jump beside you
I’ll never let you drown alone in your tears
My Wishes for You
Fantasies are echoes of the things we wish were
Distant drums and melodies of days without you
They begin with smiles and ends with sighs
Your existence, a reminder the cool breeze brings
I hope the ground will be so generous as to envelope my being in your presence
Your existence is infuriating and your voice, piercing
Disdain is the thought when you call my name
Hope is a reminder when you walk away
I wish today mine and your existence will be a tale once heard
A tale of two who stood together momentarily
I walk away and spend my days in fantasies
Of you gone from the very presence of me
picture by Unsplash from
To Be Happy
Imagine waking up to a new reality
A reality where everything you believed in was a lie
All your sacrifices and hopes were errors on the path of living
Imagine finding out that evil is all there is
And there is no twist ending to life
Every joy you denied self was for nothing and morality is what you make it
Imagine you are let in on a secret
That what you need to be happier is a change of view
Would you deny the change needed to be happy or go for it?
Imagine discovering the above now
Will you throw away what you once believed?
Or deny the facts and still stay glued to what was, holding on to misery that was
picture by lalesh aldarwish from
The Truth of Easter
It is that time again, the time they claim he is risen
Such fictitious tales have their minds imprisoned
They make their leaders livid on days they choose to live
Blaming me, saying “it’s the devil” each time their true self come to be
My life is wrapped round what they desire
I plague the facts that sets their hearts on fire
I twist it and turn it until they cannot live without it
Yet the fools will sell their jewels to please a lie they claim is true
No messiah came to die for you
You crave so much of the dark side you know it’s true
I’m the voice that tells the truth about who you really are
He is the fantasy, I’m the real deal because it is I who lives in you
Come come save your strength
Save your money too before it is all spent
Forget trying to be a child of the, “Three in one”
This is me baby, you know I’m the one you want.
if you like the above you will love Call Me, Morningstar
image by Pixabay from
Battle To Save My Love
Dear eyes,
It is time to ride to save our love
We will lose many friends along the way and turn many to foes
They will misunderstand and call us evil
Our brothers will stand strong, but not beside us
Dear mouth be ready for blasphemy
We will curse and tear down all they hold dear
We will begin confusion in their midst and say stories that are unsound
To set them running on different sides
The day has begun and the battle to free our love is here
There they are afar bleeding, oh dear love we will be there soon
Hold on my love, we forsake you no more
Welcome home, we will no longer wage war within ourselves
My love you are so thin
They have starved you of wisdom and called reality a dream
Today I say to you, only the heavens are above us
No more tears my love, dear heart you are home
picture by Rene Asmussen from
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