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Things I Don't Get

Why do you have to conquer the world for your God?
  • Why does he not make us Muslims or Christians from the start?

Sex is great and all that, but seventy-two virgins?
  • Why does your view of heaven have women like livestock?

Suicide bombers, Catholic indulgent payments and Pastors getting rich on offerings
  • One of these three has been stopped, guess which?

God in three persons, like water (liquid, Ice and steam)
  •  If so, isn’t it odd that Jesus keeps talking to himself (God)? There is a medical term for those with split personality.

We must kill the corrupt of the world.
  • Christians guiltier than Muslims here.

Why do religious books say impossible things?
  • Moses and his five books: Why does he keep moving from first person to third person in his writings. How did he write on his death and burial, the dead don’t write?
  • If everyone was asleep in the Garden of gethsemane, who wrote Jesus’s conversation with himself (God)?
  • Abraham test on killing his son: God should have reprimanded him for even going ahead with it, not celebrate the murderous intent.
  • Why will God allow man to create many languages then insist we learn Arabic to understand him?
  • Thinking of something is the same thing as doing it, in which world is that true?
  • Why is God so overly interested in who I sleep with?

Help me understand this:
  • I love the world and its people, but I’m upset at what they are doing. So, I will send myself to die for them as a sacrifice to myself.

Why will I marry a six-year-old?

Why is death the justice for not believing?

Why does God need me to send you money?
  • He owns every cattle on a thousand hills. If he thinks you need one let him make one appear in your living room. Imagine if he did, scientists and doubters will shut-up because how can they explain a private jet mysteriously appearing in your backyard.

Praying for the dead?
  • I do not get that – the person is dead.

The Vatican has accepted evolution, yet many other churches and even Catholics do not, why?


  • Hey, I’m the one going to hell not you so mind your business.

Someone disses your prophet and you go on a killing rage, I don’t get?
  • The disser is going to hell for it why do innocent people have to die along with him?

You know, if he has a telepathic connection to everyone and can control things, here is an idea:
  • He drops a message in our minds as a vision and shows the same message on every media devices in the world. That will solve the Jesus or Mohammad problem. For those with direct line to him, please tell him. (The he/him here is God)

The religious books are said to be written by God or inspired by him.

If so, why are they outdated. At least God who knows the future will know of the coming of the women revolution, the anti-slavery revolution, modern science and with-it evolution and fashion revolution. The books believed the world will end a millennium ago.


Maybe it has ended and we are the ones left behind.

Picture by Nadxiee Lii from

Things I Don't Mind

I don't mind if you gather every Sunday and allow demons to be beaten out of you until you pass out, next time please record it on your phone I will love a laugh.

I don't mind if you starve yourself of food for hours or days, you should lose weight anyways a third of the world population is obese.

I don't mind if you bow with your heads to the ground five times a day. You are damned if you do and damned if you don't, so bow away.

I don't mind if you get married or not, but marrying a nine-year-old or a child not above eighteen is pedophilia.

I don't mind if you starve yourself of sex, just don’t expect me to.

I don't mind if you find the other sex attractive, I'm attracted to people of my gender… it shouldn’t bother you I’m leaving more for you to have your pick.

I don't mind if you are proud of your sex at birth, I'm proud to be me too and I prouder to be trans.

I don't mind if you give all your money to another because you think he is holy, I rather spend my money on myself thank you.

I don't mind if you deny yourself sleep to talk to yourself all night. I used to do that too, way back when my imaginary friend visits, now I will rather sleep.

I don't mind if you sing to your Lord all day, just as long as you do not mind me joining you.

I don't mind if you sing all night, just do it quietly there is no point keeping me up with you.

I don't mind if you become picky of food. I too can be picky, but not because of sin I just think seafood are yucky.

I don't mind if you become picky of whom you will call priest. I do not blame you based on the amount of molestation going on, I too will be picky.

I don't mind if you condemn another sect of yourself because you feel holier. Hey! your religion your rules.

I don't mind if you believe you are holier than me as a matter of fact I applaud you.

I don't mind that you think I'm going to your hell. Note, for me God and the Devil are the same. They are two friends chilling in the 100 acre woods with Pooh, Piglet, Tigger, Kanga and Roo.

I don't mind that you deny the wisdom of science from many books to believe in one book, just don't say things like "it is just a theory" it is clear you do not know what theory means.

picture from

Unison in Church

Blazing is the sight from afar
Trembling as their voices rose to the air
It's pretty, it's peaceful and consoles each aching breath

The pictures aligned to the wall
The altar set up to be seen in awe
We are in his presence, the God in the church for all

I listen to the words, none is different from what I heard before
But in unison we stand and praise the Lord
What wonder, what pleasure to be here

I see the old nod with each word
I see young all focused on their phones
He speaks from the pulpit, spreading his word like seeds

How I wish the world will be as such
Unison of mind like that of the church
Caring less what you think or where you from

How sad it is to be forced to conform
When all I want is to be part of the one
We can't all believe in the old man in the sky

We can’t all act and have sex like everyone else
We can't all behave and believe alike
This doesn't mean we can't stand in unison against crime

The crime to the world is the death of much
Crime is denying the right for some to be
We all have a right to be heard and to live

Why should we allow anyone tell us otherwise?

picture by Irina Anastasiu from

Why Wait Death, Why?

Tolerance is the verb that qualifies my existence
The daily struggle to show any form of life persists,
With the feeling of being ostracized from my own being
I couldn’t care less what anyone thinks of it

Here is a series of chances, which mine sucks
Not believing I was dealt the worst hand ever
But I can’t think otherwise
Why bother on whom has it worst, when I wish to have it better

Death is a gift I envy, he visits way too many
Leaving me craving and wondering when my turn will be?
Suicide seems like an option to living
Until you start to wonder the best way to go

Which path will be painless and swift
Then you realize, you don't even have the guts to try
It takes hell amount of courage to end a life
It takes more than hell that amount to end yours

Many see it differently, and with reasons that stand
But since I never had the courage to make that move
I stand afar seeing it my way
The man afraid to try

My doors are ajar though
A welcome mat placed and a welcome bowl laced
When he steps in one thing is certain
I will cling to his leg because death is not leaving until he blesses me

Cliff Edge End

I always thought I was strong
Able to control every thought

Always thought I could be sound
In the rage of his hounds

It never crossed my mind of this day
I will stand happy, yet dismay

I have given up sanity
Thrown away tranquility to be here

Here he goes, screaming and knocking again
Yet I continue, stoned towards the edge

There is no turning back now
I have gone too far, far down south

I reach the edge craving the me that was dead
Every moment after this will be one I won't miss

I wish I can turn back the clock and walk away
Instead of being here alone in the dark at 3:08

The screams, the bangs and crying followed
As I drive his car ignoring the gapping hallows

I didn't think this through
How I will never be me after this

Why did I let go of me and cling on to this?
The screams, the bangs I need them to stop

I reached the edge
I get out to push, stopping as it starts

Off it goes, slowly down with a loud sound, it births fire
A cloud of explosion from his car wakes the night

I hear him scream one more time
Knowing it will haunt me forever

Dear Boss, farewell
may you burn some more in hell

picture by Caio from


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