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Battle To Save My Love

Dear eyes,
It is time to ride to save our love
We will lose many friends along the way and turn many to foes
They will misunderstand and call us evil
Our brothers will stand strong, but not beside us

Dear mouth be ready for blasphemy
We will curse and tear down all they hold dear
We will begin confusion in their midst and say stories that are unsound
To set them running on different sides

The day has begun and the battle to free our love is here
There they are afar bleeding, oh dear love we will be there soon
Hold on my love, we forsake you no more
Welcome home, we will no longer wage war within ourselves

My love you are so thin
They have starved you of wisdom and called reality a dream
Today I say to you, only the heavens are above us
No more tears my love, dear heart you are home

picture by Rene Asmussen from

Call Me, Morningstar

My voice rings bright like the morning star
My name is useful to hide your scars
We play this game where you call me the father of lies
but I'm Legion, I tell no lies
In me are many wailing
Waiting for, "thy kingdom come"
I plague on your desires
I draw you to me and away from him

Do not misunderstand, that is what he created me to do
And I do my job well
You can tell by the amount of times you seek forgiveness
You can yell, but you know it is true
There is more me in you than he will ever be

Are you drawn to the dark side?
It is not me calling you over
Your heart aches for it
The fire from my eyes bring warmth
And an illusion of pleasure is what he offers
Who wants to sing holy holy holy for eternity?

In your book I'm called a roaring lion
you can call me, Lucifer

picture by Little Visuals from

God's prayer to God

Life and death are in the power of the tongue they say
Tears and laughter, waging hard with anger, yet you never come
Treachery, pain, cursing and sin are before me and yet the day still beyond me
Where is he? Where is he and his chariot of flame to bring forth redemption?
The day of glory precedes the day of the damned
I hope my words will bring the damned today

I have been waiting for thousands of years and my brothers have been waiting longer
Over the earth we war, sowing the seed of confusion and plunder
In many we dim the light. They see, but are blind – they hear, but are deaf
There is more to existence than this, yet these puny souls believe they know it all
Where are you?

They talk of me like they talk of you
I grow weary of them claiming knowledge of you, coming up with stories of inbreed
And a cross of three so gloom
When are you coming?

I with my brothers believe we are above the wretch of souls beneath my feet
We watch as greed turns to religion and hope to delusion
Or are we like them, the lost?
Are there some above us, looking down at us?
Wondering how foolish we are as we toy with these souls thinking we are above them.

Are we the true demons they fear?
For they look to us as one, the genesis of hope
I look into the cosmos and wonder, are we?
Are you still coming or am I just another fool?
Like the ones before me, who will sacrifice happiness for morals
Leave behind adventure for aura
Even the ones who claim they know better seeking happiness and adventure are bound by principles
Where are you? I grow weary of waiting.

picture by pixabay from

Those with Ph.D. in Normal

Where did the idea that it is wrong to change your view/perception of life come from?

I find myself in conversations with people who seem to have a Ph.D. in what is normal and natural.

When you hit the door of reasoning of what is normal to you may not be to another, they try to break the tie by using nature.

You explain that nature is not govern by human laws and precepts, thereby not making nature the best tie breaker for human reason. They pull out morality/religion.

A punishment factor comes in when you change your view in some religion and some religion criticizes what others accept as their way of life.

At this point you are explaining to them it is prejudice to discard someone’s way of life as abnormal and wrong because they do not agree with your concept of religion or morality.

The moment you cannot make anyone see the stupidity and prejudice in judging another person’s sexuality, religion, race or choice because they do not agree with yours, you are stuck.

They then call you a prejudice also for kicking against them for not being open.

And you wonder, does that make me a prejudice of the stupid or does calling them stupid make me prejudice?

There is no person, religion or view who owns the sole right to what is normal and what is not because you cannot relate with something or someone does not make it/they abnormal and wrong.

picture by gratisography from


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