Saturday, December 16, 2017

Never Feel Sorry For Trying To Live

There's this psychology that we are bound (unless by stroke of luck) to make the same mistakes in love and living like our parents showed to us.

Such truth scares me and for that reason I ask of you, look to the path before you and compare it to the path behind - to make sure you do not fall into a vicious cycle.

This sad truth falls into the poor parents are more likely to bore poor sons. Or, the love or life we chase is sometimes similar to the one we were shown and are used to growing up.

The time has come for us to take chances, reach out to fortunes we desire and never be sorry for every time you tried to improve our life and failed.

Instead, let failure be a reminder of the path behind and let the fire in the desire to be free from the path behind be to itself a fuel.

When the old talk, listen for learning not for complete emulation because how can someone who finds vision at 70 be your guide?

The only guide they have for you is, "don't wait until you are 70 to have a vision for your life."

We are told the old have wisdom on the path to follow, I dare say, they have wisdom on paths not to follow.

Wise ones, advise you based on experience of how they wasted their living being safe and not being eventful.

Foolish ones say, "look at me, don't you want to be me." I dare answer, "No, I want to discover the best thing I can be."

You can never be too old to start living, but at least never let it be said about you that, “when he was graven and old, he discovered his foolishness and became wise.”

pictures from by Pixabay and Bess Hamiti respectively


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